Author Archives: Henry Wilkinson

During October 2021 and March 2022 BOS Business Office Solutions CIC delivered PHOENIX project supporting beneficiaries to address their personal barriers to work and improve their money management/budgeting skills and personal financial situation.  Funded by the Black Country ESF Community Grant the project provided intensive support for individuals from excluded groups who were suffering with loneliness, low self-esteem and lack of opportunities brought about partially or fully from social and/or social and digital isolation and a situation that has been exacerbated as a result of Covid-19.   Through a range of interventions including 1:1 Information, Advice and Guidance sessions, group support workshops and Digital Skills training clients were supported to improve social interaction, build confidence, improve mental health and wellbeing and improve opportunities in the labour market.  During the project period over 20 unemployed and economically inactive clients in the Black Country gained new skills, improved their confidence, built CV’s and…

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We are pleased to announce that on 31st Match 2021 BOS Business Office Solutions CIC has successfully completed their ‘Link-Uk Project’ funded by the Black Country ESF Community Grant. The project aimed to support those currently suffering with loneliness, low self-esteem and lack of opportunities from some form of social and/or social and digital isolation.   To tackle personal barriers, build confidence, increased mental health and wellbeing and improve opportunities in the Labour market, for both women and men of all ages, abilities, backgrounds and experience.Due to Covid and the restrictions imposed, all workshops were delivered online using MSTeams. Clients were also supported on a one-to-one basis through phone calls, whatsapp calls, video chats, and Teams. The barriers faced by these clients were acknowledged and faced through talking on a one-to-one basis, various workshops and exercises that the clients could practise and use during the sessions and on their own. Each client’s specific needs and…

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